The Top 25 Middle School Persuasive Essay Topics

Writing a persuasive essay in middle is actually pretty simple. You just need a topic you feel you can be convincing with. A persuasive essay tries to get readers to see things from the point of view of the write. You can choose from a wide variety of topics in different subjects. You can choose something you feel strongly about, and the reasons why would be your supporting evidence. Choosing a topic may depend on some of the most popular options other students have written about.

Choosing the Right Topic and Top 25 Example Topics

Persuasive essays work to convince someone on how they may view an opinion. As the writer, you need a topic that people are familiar with. They may have their own side of the issue, but you can present what you feel is most important. These aspects will help the essay come together. Your main idea or thesis is how you feel about the subject. You may have a position in an argument and you want others to see things from your side. But you need to convince them your side is best. Here are some ideas for persuasive essays students commonly write about.

  1. When a disappointment can mean a good thing.
  2. How have you changed since starting middle school?
  3. Hopes for high school and college.
  4. Things you like or dislike about middle school.
  5. Your favorite role model.
  6. Your favorite school subject.
  7. Why students should complete school.
  8. Why you would never drop out of school.
  9. Why you like/dislike school lunches.
  10. How you would make the school day better.
  11. Why it is good to be honest.
  12. Why you should not cheat on tests and exams.
  13. Why you should not do drugs.
  14. How to help a classmate who is in trouble.
  15. Why the school day should be shorter.
  16. Why middle schools should/ should not have uniforms.
  17. Why schools can do without homework assignments.
  18. Why public school is better than private school.
  19. Why students should/should not have a curfew.
  20. Why you like/dislike your principal.
  21. When school suspension is necessary.
  22. How a student should handle bullying.
  23. How school faculty should deal with bullying.
  24. Convincing students not to engage in drugs or weapons.
  25. How to encourage more parents to get involved in school activities.